Professional networking
"You can get everything you want in life if you will just help other people get what they want."Zig Zigler
As it is commonly known, many collaboration opportunities, creative ideas and job offers get mentioned in more informal enviroments. Therefore, in addition to organising our educational events, we undertake various types of networking initiatives to meet the needs and interests of our members.
For entrepreneurs
PPM Activate!
This is an initative for those members who start their own business projects, enter new markets with their products and services, or dream about starting their own business in the future. Through our regular meetings as well as through our social platforms the PPM members share their ideas, experience and information related to starting and running a business in Spain.
We connect people
PPM & Friends
To this date we have organised tens of networking events in a form of afterwork meetups, giving our members a great opportunity to establish new business connections, as well as to exchange experience and information, particularly useful for those living and working in a foreign country.
For health
PPM & Health
The cycle of meetings PPM & Health is something for sport and outdoors lovers: it gives our members a chance to start new friendships and aquaintences in outdoor settings, during active ‘picnics’ (with trainings, yoga and zumba classes), canoeing trips and mountain hikes. It is also a wonderful opportunity for children of our members to get to know each other.
Theme parties
A Carnival party in Madrid with some Polish music? Or a fancy dress event with costumes from the communist times? Why not?! In our events calendar there is a place for such events, too!
Official meetings with representatives of public institutions
Several times our members had an honour to participate in meetings with representatives of the Polish Embassy in Madrid, in which we had a pleasure to present our projects and to meet representatives of Polish public institutions in Spain.