Supporting entrepreneurship
“The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term, is the indispensable prerequisite for success.”Events
Educational events on entrepreneurship
A big portion of the events, seminars, conferences, panel discussions and lectures that we have organised so far are related to the topics of business and economy. They gather both Polish and Spanish entrepreneurs, interested in business and investment opportunities in both countries. We constantly cooperate with institutions and organisations that support entrepreneurial activities, such as Trade and Investment Promotion section of the Polish Embassy in Madrid, Polish Agency of Investment and Trade, Camara de Madrid and Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce
„PPM Activate!”
This is an initative for those members who start their own business projects, enter new markets with their products and services, or who dream about starting their own business in the future. Through our regular meetings as well as through our social platforms, the PPM members share their ideas, experience and information related to starting and running a business in Spain.