The popularity of our last event went far beyond our expectations! In total over 60 people (!) took part in our two coaching workshops where we learned how our own mind can either sabotage or support us – both in our professional and private life.
As the driving force of PPM is sharing our professional experience, this time Patrycja Sałacińska (President of PPM and, professionally, a Mental Fitness Coach and ACC ICF accredited Transformational Life Coach) shared with us her broad knowledge and coaching skills. Thanks to Patrycja’s very inspiring workshop our participants learned what Mental Fitness is about and what a huge (!) impact it has on:
➡️ the maximum use of our professional and private potential
➡️ our relationships
➡️ our well-being, sense of accomplishment and happiness in life!
Many thanks (!) to Patrycja for such an uplifting meeting and the opportunity to look at our blockages, stress, fears and other unpleasant experiences from a different perspective! Our participants felt truly inspired, understanding that we actually have much more influence on our life experience than we realized before! As one of them said: „The overall goal should be for us to control our mind, not the other way round”! And now we know some tools thanks to which it is actually possible and we will not hesitate to use them!😊