WOŚP has been playing for 32 years! And the collection centre in Madrid has been operating for several years now, with PPM members always actively participating! 🙂
This year’s novelty (and a bullseye!) were dance animations and a collective polonaise, led by our member Marcin Naskręt and Polish Dance Club Madrid.
Besides the individual contributions of (many!) our members, PPM managed to spontaneously create the “5-10-15: give clothes a second life” project. This clothing stand created in collaboration with the A.P. Ambar association in Valdemoro was wonderfully coordinated by our member and the president of Ambar, Lucyna López Sáez. It was a beautiful example of cooperation, as Małgorzata Kierzkowska from the “Orzeł Biały” association also helped us. Many PPM volunteers offered their help with sales, especially scouts from the Polish scout troop! 🙂 The enthusiasm and mobilisation of our members around the collection were immense, and it seems that the clothes exchange will continue long after the Finale, becoming another interesting form of integration of our growing PPM community! 🙂
A big thank you (!) to all PPM members who got involved in this year’s WOŚP Grand Finale! It would be impossible to even enumerate you all here! See you next year! 🙂
Photo: our member Kinga Witalis (All Ways Outside)